Probation and Parole Violation

A San Antonio Probation Violation Attorney Helping Clients Prevent Serious Trouble

Contact an experienced parole violation defense lawyer before matters get out of control

When someone who has been convicted of a criminal offense is released on parole or probation, the court outlines specific rules that the individual must follow to remain free. Should your probation officer believe you violated any of the terms of your parole or probation, intentionally or not, a warrant may be issued for your arrest.

Do not allow a question of parole violation to spiral out of control. An experienced probation and parole violation attorney may be able to help. If you are in the San Antonio area, Joseph P. Appelt, P.C. can provide valuable guidance for your case.

Common probation violations

Any seasoned criminal defense attorney is familiar with the following common ways parolees violate the terms of their probation:

  • Being charged with another criminal offense
  • Failing to pay a fine or restitution demand issued by the court
  • Failing a drug test
  • Failing to contact probation or parole officials

In any of these situations, there are actions a parole violation attorney can take to help alleviate the repercussions.

Proactive steps your parole violation attorney can take

It doesn’t matter whether you meant to violate the terms of your probation. If you have done so, talk to an experienced probation violation lawyer who can help you take proactive steps to reduce the consequences you face. Joseph P. Appelt, P.C. features one of the most reputable San Antonio lawyers handling parole violation cases today.

There are several steps your lawyer can take to protect your probation or parole:

  • Ask the judge to set a new bond to prevent your incarceration.
  • Ask for a Motion to Revoke to argue for a second chance at your parole.

The one thing you and your attorney absolutely must do is notify the court of your transgression as soon as possible. Otherwise, you face arrest once the court discovers the matter without eligibility for any sort of bail or bond.

Reach out to a reputable San Antonio probation violation attorney before matters get worse

Parole and probation violation are serious matters. In the San Antonio area, Joseph P. Appelt, P.C. offers a free consultation regarding your violation case. Our offices are easily accessible, and we accept major credit cards. Contact us online or at [ln::phone]. Se habla espanol.

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